White Teeth and More!!!

Dr. Gargi Kandhari
2 min readAug 29, 2021


Teeth Whitening or Bleaching

So I often come across patients asking for white teeth. Teeth whitening or bleaching is a very popular and frequently asked for treatment by a lot of patients.

Generally patients come with the notion that they will get milk white or stark white teeth after the treatment. Well, we at Dr Kandhari’s Skin and Dental Clinic always first assess the color and appearance of the teeth.

The amount and extent of the stains present is important to know before planning the whitening treatment. One very important thing to assess is whether the stains are intrinsic.

Like some stains are due to what we eat and drink like tea, coffee or aerated drinks and also from other habits like smoking, pan chewing ect.

For these stains bleaching or teeth whitening works very well and we can lighten the teeth by three to four shades.

However for intrinsic stains which are present inside the enamel structure, whitening does not work. These are typically due to medications taken at an early age or due to excessive fluoride exposure.

In such cases whitening does not work very well and other aesthetic options like crowns and veneers are a better choice.

So, keeping these things in mind we should plan the whitening therapy which can be done both in office or at home by the patient.

When done well, bleaching can give a fabulous result wherein the teeth are lightened by 3 to 4 shades. This brightens the smile and is a great aesthetic tool for smile designing.



Dr. Gargi Kandhari
Dr. Gargi Kandhari

Written by Dr. Gargi Kandhari


Contact Dr. Gargi Kandhari, the Best Dentist in Delhi. Book an appointment by Calling at +91 9971760726.

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